Monday, March 16, 2015

The Date

So. Let's talk about yesterday. I met the guy IRL, finally. We went to the food event at the park. I was interested in the event. I like cooking and I like food. I was glad that there was a veggie option at the event, and of course I wanted to try it.
The guy started talking about him being a vipassana buddhist and the inventor of "the" true vipassana technique. Apparently, Buddha's discourses and sutras are all false. I told him that I was a vipassana meditator and that I practiced the technique according to S.N.Goenka's teachings and the Satipattana Sutra. I might have sounded a little beligerant. Or maybe too comfortable with my vipassana practice. So he started to try to convince me of his ideas. He even told me that he was kind of enlightened, because he had seen an apparition of Mary The Virgin. He took a photo with his cell to prove it. It was like a weird and very bright light reflex near a statue of the virgin, in a church. For me it was like a light reflex with a weird form, explanable mostly by physics. But I said nothing about it. I didn't want to expend the next hour listening to him trying to convince me that he was right and I was wrong mostly because it's so boring to do so.
I just wanted to go to the food event, enjoy the view of the park, have a delicious veggie meal, and drive back home. My main interest was the present moment. That present moment. Maybe the fact that I work from home and I don't go that often to the park makes me enjoy the trees and the view more than your usual citizen. I don't know.
There was a food truck contest, because the center of the event was a kind of sandwich they make here and sell from food trucks called choripan. This year one of the food trucks had a veggie one, there were a number of gourmet ones, even one for celiacs, and many regular ones with different touchs and flavors. Each food truck had to choose a local charity and they were collecting things for kids, mostly for school kids. I think that idea was awesome. There was also a podium with local music bands and stand up comedians. And lots of people: men, women, kids, grannies, grandpas. Everyone was there. My date couldn't be less interested in the event. I think that his only interest was to talk about himself. I have to admit that he was pretty impressive. He wrote a book about the vipassana technique. He also won a prize with a play a couple of years ago. And he just wrote a new book regarding Jesus. Or something like that. The book is being published soon by a spanish editorial, he told me.
When we sat to eat the veggie choripan, he said that even though I am not fat, I eat like a fat woman, because I was enjoying the meal and told him that it was delicious. So, again, perhaps I shouldn't have said anything. But when I eat, I enjoy every bite. I can't help it. I like to cook, I like to eat. What's the problem with that?
He continued talking and I continued listening to him. I got distracted with some policemen on horses passing by. The horses were beautiful, and they seemed so proud. I also got distracted with my twitter friends who were actually at the event to write about it and to be the jury of the contest and they were waving at me.
Then we walked a little to leave the crowd, and he was talking about his ex girlfriends and all the women he had impressed in his life. He said that women thought he was handsome and asked if I thought he was handsome. I answered "Not particulary, no" and automatically regreted it. I think I should have remained silent and just smile, but I couldn't help myself. Shame on me.
He changed the subject and started talking about the trees that surrounded us. I told him that I love trees. I like them very much. And he started talking about reencarnation. I told him that I didn't believe in reencarnation. I know that our atoms will exist for ever and be part of everything again when we eventually disintegrate but that's the extent of what I have to say about the afterlife and reencarnation.
At that time we were walking back to the car. I offered to give him a lift downtown. He didn't enjoy my driving style I guess. I can tell he suffered every time we stopped at a red light and every time I let somebody cross the street instead of rolling over them with the car. He even offered to drive because he was getting so anxious. I politely refused to let him drive my car. And then we got downtown and off he went to his house. I don't think I'll see him again.

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